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23 Best Homeschool Business ideas You Can Start Today

Do you want to start a homeschool business but you want to go niche? If YES, here are 23 best profitable homeschool business ideas & opportunities. Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children at home or a variety of places other than school.

Home education is usually conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher. “Homeschooling” is the term commonly used in North America, whereas “home education” is commonly used in the United Kingdom, Europe, and in many Commonwealth countries.

All other approaches to homeschooling are subsumed under two basic categories: structured and unstructured homeschooling. Structured homeschooling includes any method or style of home education that follows a basic curriculum with articulated goals and outcomes.

This style attempts to imitate the structure of the traditional school setting while personalizing the curriculum. Unstructured homeschooling is any form of home education where parents do not construct a curriculum at all. If you are interested in starting a homeschool related business, here are some of the best homeschool business ideas that you can choose from;

Best Homeschool Business ideas

  1. Start Private Tutorial Business

Some parents who have wards in schools are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their wards are sound academically hence the need for extra coaching – private tutorial services. So, if you are an academician or someone who is interested in the teaching industry and you don’t have the capacity to start a standard school, then you should look towards starting your own private tutorial business.

The demand for private tutorial services is driven by the fact that most schools cannot meet the educational criteria for all students. Also, the need to ensure that students meet up with educational standards nationally and internationally is where the private tutorial services come in.

  1. Start Mathematics Home Tutor Business

Loads of students have a natural phobia for mathematics which is why some parents are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their wards are sound in mathematics hence the need for extra coaching – private mathematics tutorial services.

So, if you are a mathematician and of course someone who is interested in the teaching industry and you don’t have the capacity to start a standard school, then you should look towards starting your own mathematics tutoring business.

  1. Start Homeschool Cooperative

A homeschool cooperative is yet another homeschool business idea that can be started in a community. You can form a homeschool cooperative and charge membership fees. A homeschool cooperative is a cooperative of families who homeschool their children.

It provides an opportunity for children to learn from other parents who are more specialized in certain areas or subjects. Co-ops also provide social interaction. They may take lessons together or go on field trips. Some co-ops also offer events such as prom and graduation for homeschoolers.

  1. Create a Website or Social Network for Homeschoolers

Creating a website or social network for homeschoolers is yet another homeschool related business idea that an aspiring entrepreneur can start. In recent times, homeschoolers are beginning to utilize Web 2.0 as a way to simulate homeschool cooperatives online.

With social networks, homeschoolers can chat, discuss threads in forums, share information and tips, and even participate in online classes via blackboard systems similar to those used by colleges.

  1. Start an All-in-one Curricula Homeschool

All-in-one homeschooling curricula (variously known as “school-at-home”, “the traditional approach”, “school-in-a-box” or “The Structured Approach”), are instructional methods of teaching in which the curriculum and homework of the student are similar or identical to those used in a public or private school.

Purchased as a grade-level package or separately by subject, the package may contain all of the needed books, materials, tests, answer keys, and extensive teacher guides. These materials cover the same subject areas as public schools, allowing for an easy transition into the school system.

  1. Start Unit Studies Homeschool

Another niche business idea in the homeschooling line of business that an aspiring entrepreneur can start is unit studies homeschool. In a unit study approach, multiple subjects such as math, science, history, art, and geography, are studied in relation to a single topic.

Unit studies are useful for teaching multiple grades simultaneously as the difficulty level can be adjusted for each student. An extended form of unit studies, Integrated Thematic Instruction utilizes one central theme integrated throughout the curriculum so that students finish the school year with a deep understanding of a certain broad subject or idea.

  1. Start Private Music Tutorial Business

As a professional music instructor, you don’t necessarily need to work for a music school or any organization before you can make money off your skills.

All you need to do is to start your own private music tutorial business. Depending on the picture you have in mind, you would require hard work, little or no start-up capital and various training and certifications before you can successfully establish your own private music tutorial business.

If you intend issuing a certificate or diploma that will be recognized by the government, then you should apply for licensing and approval from the government agency responsible for regulating the education industry in your country.

  1. Open a Homeschool Agency

If you have robust background in education matters, and you intend starting your business, then you should consider starting your own homeschool agency.

There are many parents who are interested in recruiting homeschool teachers for their wards and also homeschooling parents who are trapped simply because they don’t know who to talk to when they have challenges with homeschooling related issues, that is why it is important to set up your own homeschooling agency.

Being a homeschool agent means that you will help your clients handle all their homeschooling cum educational concerns, help to recruit homeschool teachers and help them with testing and exams amongst others.

  1. Start Online Homeschool

Starting an online homeschool is no doubt one of the trendy education related business ideas especially as students are asked to stay at home during this corona virus pandemic. Online homeschools deliver online education to students.

In order to be considered as an online educational provider firm, over 80 percent of the course or unit content offered by your firm has to be delivered via online platform. For instance, students could be located off-campus for the duration of their enrollment and successfully complete a unit of study. It is important to mention that online education includes study at all levels of education.

  1. Start Early Learning Homeschooling Services

Another niche idea in the homeschooling line of business that an aspiring entrepreneur can successfully start is an early learning homeschooling service. Early learning homeschools offer different programs, which vary by age.

For younger children, typically those between the ages of two and three, programs focus on developing early math, reading and interpersonal skills. Children between three and five years old participate in a variety of activities and subjects to prepare them for grade school.

  1. Start Homeschool Services for People with Disability

If you are interested in starting a homeschool business, one of the thriving homeschool business ideas you can choose is to start is one dedicated to people with one form or disability or the other. As a matter of fact, if there are any group of people that truly needs homeschooling, they are people with disability.

It is important to state that this homeschooling business idea can be demanding and but very rewarding. For example, in some cases, it will require you to learn sign languages or any other means of communicating with people with disability.

  1. Start Language Homeschool

Another thriving and profitable homeschool business idea an aspiring entrepreneur should consider is a language homeschool. If you can speak and write more than two international languages then you can make money by teaching people foreign language / languages right in their homes.

Just ensure that you have resource materials (softcopies that can aid your teachings). If you know how to speak and write 2 or 3 of any of these languages; French, English, Spanish, Chinese, German and Arabic, then you should consider starting launching your home language training/tutorials/coaching business.

  1. Start a Homeschool for Art and Culture

If you are interested in arts and culture, there is nothing wrong in starting a homeschool specially dedicated to teaching students practical lessons on arts and culture right in their homes; a homeschool where students can enroll to learn various crafts, painting, carving, sculpturing, tie and dye, stage play, film script writing and dancing et al.

  1. Start a Book Club

A book club is yet another easy to start homeschooling related business idea. Book clubs is basically all about a group of people coming together to discuss a book or books that they have read or the books they are currently reading.

It is cheaper to start and to run a book club, but you have to be creative if you want to make money out of your book club. Aside from the membership fee you will collect from people, you would have to design strategies on how to generate income from members of your book club.

  1. Start an Educative Television Program for Homeschoolers

There are different mediums through which homeschoolers and even adult alike learn and one of such mediums is through the television. If you are good at developing contents for television, then one of the businesses you can successfully launch is a homeschool educative program for television.

Your program can be designed to educate children and adults on various subjects ranging from mathematics, English, arts, sciences and business et al. The truth is that if your television program is well organized, you will attract good sponsorship deals from corporate organizations.

  1. Start an Educative Radio Program for Homeschoolers

Another medium through which homeschoolers learn is the radio. So if you are good at developing content for radio, then you should look towards developing educative programs for radio; a program where homeschoolers can learn different subjects, it could be in mathematics, English, arts, sciences and business et al.

If your radio program is well packaged, you can easily attract corporate sponsorship and also you can compile various editions of your radio program on CD and sell it to your audience to generate income.

  1. Production of Homeschooling Cartoon Series for Children

Production of homeschooling cartoons series for children is yet another homeschool business idea that an entrepreneur should consider starting. One of the easiest ways children learn is through cartoons hence there is a large market for children’s homeschooling cartoons.

So, if you are good in animation and cartoons, then one of the businesses you should consider starting is to go into the production of educative cum homeschooling cartoons series for children. It is a highly profitable and thriving business.

  1. Start a Martial Art School for Homeschoolers

Another easy to start and profitable homeschooling business idea an entrepreneur can successfully start is a martial art school for homeschoolers.

If you are a professional in martial arts, you can generate huge profits from your passion by simply establishing a martial arts schools to teach people martial arts. It has become highly necessary for children and young adults to learn martial arts not just for the fun of it, but as a skill needed for self-defense.

With the growing rate of crimes like kidnapping, rape, and so on in our society, it has become needful for the skill of martial arts to be learnt from an early age. It is important to state at this juncture that starting martial art skills requires someone who has practiced the art for at least 10 years.

  1. Open a Private Library for Homeschoolers

A library is a place where people go to read or research on various subjects of interest. Opening a private library is not common though, but it is a thing that can be done by an individual.

If you are interested in opening a private library, you can source for partnership with your local government or you can do it alone. If your library is well – equipped and well – located, then you are likely not going to find it difficult to convince people to register and pickup membership.

  1. Offer Montessori Homeschool Services

A Montessori is yet another niche homeschool business idea that an aspiring entrepreneur can start. Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.

In Montessori classrooms, children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offers age-appropriate activities to guide the process. Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading.

  1. Start an Adult Homeschooling Services

There are people who for one reason or the other did not attend formal schools hence they can’t read and write. This set of people now have the opportunity to go back to school; many thanks to adult education.

If you are in the education sector or you are interested starting a homeschool related business idea, one of your option is to start an adult homeschooling service. If you intend awarding recognized certificates / diplomas in your adult homeschool, then you should apply for accreditation and license from the education board in your country.

  1. Start a Business That Organizes Excursions for Homeschoolers

It is the tradition in most schools especially primary and secondary, to take their students on excursion once in a while. Excursion is an avenue where students travel out of their schools to get first hand experiential learning.

So, if you are good with organizing trips and you are looking towards starting a unique homeschool business idea, then one of your options is to packaged excursion trips for homeschoolers. If you are good at marketing, you will be able to seal business deals with lots of parents – homeschoolers in and around your community.

  1. Sale of Homeschooling Materials (Toys, DVDs, CDs and Pads et al)

Another profitable and thriving homeschool business idea that an entrepreneur can successfully start without any form of technical skill is retailing of homeschooling materials. Materials such as kinds learning pads, story books, Lego, jig saw puzzle, educative video games, educative CDs and DVDs et al are highly sellable as long as you position the business is a location where there are children.

You can as well take your goods to schools to market. Retailing homeschooling materials is indeed a profitable business and anybody can start this type of business. As a matter of fact, you would not need any specially license or permit to run this type of business.