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What is the Best Way to Rob a Pharmacy? [How to Prevent It]

Are you thinking of the best way you can prevent robbery in your pharmacy? If YES, here are the best ways to rob a pharmacy and how you can prevent it.

In most cases, pharmacy robberies are pretty straightforward. A man or woman walks into a pharmacy and demands pills, and the police (or the pharmacist) tracks the thief down or resolves the situation. Every once in a while however, someone comes up with a bizarre way to rob a pharmacy.

To effectively rob a pharmacy, you first have to know the pharmacy, the inside isn’t so important; it is outside you have to be fully aware of. Don’t scope it out with binoculars or anything like that, you can use Google Street view and take into account any particular blind spots that the outside cameras might have.

Also, see if you can approach from behind the pharmacy because it would be less suspicious and they won’t see you coming. You should also consider doing it alone, especially because it increases your take and a getaway driver is unnecessary and only adds to the risk of getting caught.

Go to a thrift store (or just anywhere that sells pre-owned personal wear) and buy two complete outfits (it works better if they are in complete contrast to each other) and just one pair of shoes, make sure one outfit is full of detail (i.e. John Deere hoodie, Nike sneakers, any brand that is well known) while the other outfit should be plain with little to no features (cycling outfit would actually work) and be worn underneath the robbing outfit.

Do not go for a ski mask, use something to cover your entire head, even the noticeable skin color around your mouth and eyes that otherwise would not be covered by a said ski mask. Make sure that the shoes you buy for the detailed (robbing) outfit are either two sizes too big or too small, then insert a decently sized pebble or TAC to change the way you walk.

Also, remember your gloves, rubber elbow gloves work great for concealing race/ethnicity, and obviously don’t want to be leaving fingerprints behind!

It is also advisable that even if you have the means to use force, you should hold off on it. Because not only does it drop the potential charge of the crime being committed into a lower class, but it also makes the clerk less likely to meet you with violent opposition.

You would also have to use notes, motions, and body movement to convey your meaning and intent with the clerk; oftentimes have audio recording equipment set up. Also, a pre-recorded audio clip containing instructions read by an automated voice (like Siri) would be useful.

Try to get all the cash you can, be sure to have the clerk empty the drawer into one of their own packaging bags, then have them lift it out to check underneath (where typically 1-3 $50 &/or $100 bills are stored).

Then have them show you the drop safe (where the majority of bigger bills are deposited), and depending on the frequency of patronage and your potential time limit, either abandon it and head out or if it’s small enough, take it with you.

Always be unpredictable, park at least a mile away and have a bike ready for you (hidden from cameras view) near the convenience pharmacy. Once you get to the bike, peel off the detailed clothing, hop on, and then coast to freedom.

However, it is your choice what to do right here with the robbing outfit, some would douse it with sulphuric acid or something but maybe you should just keep them till you’re far away near a dumpster that wouldn’t be scrutinized for evidence.

How to Prevent a Pharmacy Robbery

The truth is no single solution exists to solve the problem of pharmacy robberies. It may be impossible to completely prevent robberies, but you can take certain measures to reduce the risk of being targeted, reduce the risk of conflict during a robbery, and aid in suspect apprehension to prevent future robberies.

  1. Develop A Robbery Response Plan

Robberies are more than a theoretical concern for community pharmacies. Developing a robbery response plan and following simple rules can help protect everyone involved from harm. It is very crucial for everyone who works in the pharmacy, including relief pharmacists, delivery drivers, cashiers, and summer students, to be aware of policies and procedures regarding pharmacy safety and robbery response.

  1. Know Your Audience

According to DEA, pharmacy robbers are often white men aged between 20 and 30 years. They may be wearing a hat, sunglasses, or some other form of covering over their face. In some cases, the robber may be wearing a bizarre outfit. A 2011 Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company (PMIC) pharmacy robbery report advised that the robber might not always be a stranger.

The analysis indicated that, in a high percentage of cases, the individual had frequented the pharmacy at least 3 times before the crime. Oxymorphone, oxycodone, methadone, Percocet, Xanax, and Valium are the most common drugs demanded by pharmacy robbers, according to the DEA.

  1. Team Up With Your Local Police Service

Perhaps the most effective way to respond to the pharmacy robbery issue is to develop a working relationship with the police. Watch local patterns of criminal behavior by following the news and collaborate with law enforcement officials; this can go a long way toward developing effective local protection from pharmacy crime.

According to the 2013 pharmacy crime analysis from the PMIC, police respond to a call within 5 minutes in one-third of cases. Within this 5-minute window, police make an arrest in 21% of cases. Therefore, if pharmacists can slow down the time it takes to gather the medications for the robber, police may have a better chance of intervening.

  1. Have A Duress Button

The DEA advises that pharmacists remain calm and comply with the robber’s demands when confronted. Pharmacists may discretely push a duress button while gathering the medications that the robber has requested.

  1. Have A Good Alarm System

For robberies that occur after-hours, a good alarm system may stop a robber in his or her tracks. Experts suggest that the alarm should sound both at the pharmacy and off-site, and it should be tested at least semi-annual. It is advisable that the system covers all areas of the store—even from above.

In 6% of cases, robbers enter the store from the ceiling or through other empty occupancies surrounding the pharmacy. Vibration sensors may help determine whether a robber is coming in from above or through a wall.

  1. Install Cameras

The jury is still out on whether video cameras deter individuals from robbing stores, but it more or less does not hurt to install them. Cameras that are at eye level, instead of mounted from above, can help obtain a better picture of the robber’s face.

  1. Protect Your Windows And Doors

Have it in mind that more than half of pharmacy break-ins involve the perpetrator entering through the front of the store. Physical security gates for the windows and doors may make it harder for robbers to enter into the pharmacy. The report also noted that aluminium frame doors may not be the best bet, as they can easily be pried open.

  1. Enforce Store Policy

No hoods, no service. You can enforce a store policy forbidding headwear that can disguise a person’s appearance. Stores that can afford a security guard should ask him or her to enforce this rule, or have cashiers in the front of the store to ask customers to remove these items.

  1. Set Up Height Markers

Just as banks do, you can put up height markers at the doors of the store and the pharmacy counter. Not only can they help law enforcement get a height estimate if a robbery does take place, but the sight of them can also discourage potential robbers from targeting the store.

  1. Lock Up Narcotics At Night, And Make Sure There Is Adequate Lighting

You will have to take this very seriously and also install security lights inside and outside the building. Having narcotics locked up at night in a safe or in reinforced security cabinets may also prevent robbers from getting the goods.


Lately, as banks and stores have increased safety, pharmacy robberies are getting more common. Pharmacies have become an easier and more attractive target so they have been forced to beef up their security. You can leverage on the few points and tips mentioned above to protect your pharmacy from robbery.