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5 Best Grants for a Special Needs Daycare

Do you run a special need daycare and need fund to stay afloat? If YES, here are 5 best sources of grants for special needs daycare centers and how to apply.

A child who has special needs is described as a person who is under the age of 12 years, who has a diagnosed disability, and requires additional or specific types of care to meet the usual developmental goals. The most prestigious special needs daycare usually have specialized meals for children, and these meals are free from common allergens and dyes that can cause them to hyper react.

A special needs day care requires a little bit more financial commitment to set up unlike a day care for normal children, this is why their owners usually look out for grants that can assist them in the journey.

These grants are used to provide funding for additional staff, learning aids, training, etc. There are quite a number of nonprofit organisations that provide some kind of support to entrepreneurs that want to set up a special needs day care, but government at all levels provides the most significant support in the form of grants.

These grants have various eligibility criteria and they are various requirements for organisations that want to apply for such grants. Some of these may include;

  • Funding proposal form
  • Information on children needing support
  • Information on staffing schedules
  • Copies of your centre’s personnel policies, including average salaries for your staff

If you are passionate about starting a special needs day care but you are low on funds, there are indeed a couple of grants that are available to you in the united states. Some of these may include;

Best Grants to Start a Special Needs Daycare

1. IDEA Formula Grants

OSEP administers three formula grant programs authorized by Part B and Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

These formula grants are awarded to states annually to support early-intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, preschool children ages three through five, and special education for children and youth with disabilities.

This organisation provides grants that can be used to kick off a kick off a special needs daycare. For information on how to apply for the grant, you have to visit their website.

2. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education Grants

This grant is made available for projects within schools serving all children (including students who learn differently) preK-12, that integrates the arts into educational programs.

The purpose for this grant is to aid and support teachers who wish to establish or maintain an effective learning tool using the visual arts within the school day. The project can support either a new or evolving program that integrates the arts into educational programming.

  • Eligibility: Teachers in grades K through 12
  • Award Amount: Up to $1,000
  • Requirements: The P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education reserves the right to publish and distribute the ideas, teaching techniques and strategies submitted by the applicants for these grants. In addition, recipients receiving grants will be required to provide them with a written report documenting the progress and accomplishments of their project, along with digital photos that can be used on their website.
  • States: All
  • Application Deadline: May through September 30
  • How to apply: All applicants should visit the organisations website at for more details.

3. Walmart Community Grant

This grant seeks to provide afterschool enrichment, tutoring or vocational training for low income individuals and families in the United States, with addition to some levels of disability.

  • Eligibility: A K-12 public or private school, charter school, community/junior college, state/private college or university.
  • Award Amount: Awarded grants range from $250 to $2,500.
  • How to apply: Organizations must submit an online application to be considered for funding. Management at the facility to which you are applying will review the application and make initial funding recommendations on all submitted requests.  Visit for more information.
  • States: All – programs that benefit communities within the service area of the Walmart store, Sam’s Club or Logistics facility from which they are requesting funds.
  • Application Deadline: February 1 to December 31

4. IDEA Formula Grant Programs

OSEP administers three formula grant programs authorized by IDEA. These formula grants are awarded to states annually to support early-intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, preschool children ages three through five, and special education for children and youth with disabilities.

  • How to apply: if you are sure you meet the requirements, you can visit the website of the organisation for more information.

5. Part B Formula Grants

IDEA Part B Formula Grants assist states in providing a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities, ages three through 21.

  • How to apply: if you are sure you meet the requirements, you can visit the website of the organisation for more information.