Do you want to start a barber shop but you want to go niche and be unique? If YES, here are best barbing salon related business ideas / opportunities.
It might interest you to know that there are no limits to the amount a barber can make in the United States and in any part of the world. As a matter fact, there are loads of people that make good profits from the business value chain of the barbing cum hair salon services industry.
Basically, a barbershop is a place where people go to cut their hair and of course it is the working place of a barber. A barber is a person whose livelihood is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave men’s and boys’ hair and in some cases ladies/girls who keep low cut.
Aside from the fact that people go to cut, dress, groom, style and shave in a barber shop, it is also a place where people go to socialize with other folks in the neighborhood and also to engage in trendy discussion in the community or country as the case may be; it is a place where people go to network, to discuss sports and overall a hub that contributes in shaping the male identity.
If you are interested in making money from the business value chain of the barbing cum hair salon services industry, here are 11 best barbing salon related business ideas and opportunities.
Best Barbing Salon Business ideas
The barber shop business will continue to blossom because people will always go to barber shops to have a haircut or any other related services offered by barber shops. Please note that if you have plans of becoming a barber and to open a barber shop in the united states, then you are expected to undergo a barbers’ training. There are several means of getting trained as a barber.
If you are in the United States of America, you are expected to attend a “Barber School”, that’s only when you can easily acquire your license and permit, as most states in the U.S require a barber to possess a license before they can be allowed to practice barbing professionally. People also learn the trade by understudying professional barbers in their shops.
Starting a barber’s training school is yet another profitable barbing salon related business idea that an aspiring entrepreneur can start and make money from. A barber’s training school is basically a school that trains aspiring barbers to becoming professional barbers.
In case you didn’t know, there are loads of opportunities for those who run barber schools in the United States of America and in all the countries of the world.
There are countless numbers of people out there who are trying to acquire barbing skills that will enable them put food on their table, pay their bills and ultimately become their own boss and barber’s school is just an ideal place they can get the journey started.
Start a Mobile/Home Services Barbing Salon Business
Another thriving and profitable barbing salon related business idea that an aspiring entrepreneur can start is a mobile/home services barbing salon and it is a business that can be started with little capital. Mobile/home services barbing salon business eliminates the need for a physical business location, therefore limiting start-up costs considerably.
An aspiring entrepreneur can successfully start a mobile/home services barbing salon business with inexpensive supplies and tools and grow as the need arises.
As a mobile barber, you will perform your jobs in customer’s home, hotels, hostels, campgrounds and any private location, giving you the advantage of visibility for marketing purposes. The downside includes working outdoors in inclement weather and the limitations of having to travel with your tools and supplies.
Open A Children’s Barbing Salon
Opening a children’s barbing salon is yet another interesting and profit driven barbing salon related business idea that an aspiring entrepreneur can start. Children’s barbing salon is a niche barbing salon that is dedicated to only barbing of children’s hair.
One good thing about this type of barbing salon related business is that if it is strategically located; a location with the right demographic compositions (a location with growing families), then you are not going to struggle to attract customers.
If you are running a barbing salon dedicated to children, then you must be a patient person, because it is often difficult to get children to corporate with you when cutting their hair.
Open a High – End/Celebrities Barbing Salon
Another barbing salon related business idea that an entrepreneur who is truly gifted and exposed can start is a high – end cum celebrities barbing salon. This type of barbing salon is dedicated to attending to celebrities and all those who can afford their services.
Come to think of it, you can hardly catch a celebrity or a popular figure in the United States of America cutting their hair in a barbing salon that is open to all and sundry. Aside from the fact that they may likely have their own personal barber, if they don’t, they would rather visit a barber’s shop that attracts other celebrities.
If you are interested in opening a high – end cum celebrity barber shop, then you must be strategic when it comes to locating the business. Places like Beverly Hills – California, Las Vegas and Hollywood et al are suitable for such unique barbing salon related business.
Sell Franchise for Barbing Salon
Starting a barbing salon related business does not necessarily mean that you should open a barber’s shop. One barbing salon related business that you can successfully start is to go into the selling of franchise for barbing salons.
Although this is not a popular business, but trust me, if you do your due diligence before selling franchise for barbing salons, you will sure make headway with the business. Just ensure you talk to leading barbing salons in various cities all across the United States and convince them on the benefits of expanding their businesses via franchising.
Start a Booth Rental Salon Business
Another thriving and highly profitable barbing salon related business that an investor or aspiring entrepreneur who is interested in starting a barbing salon business can successfully start is a booth rental salon business. Booth rental salon is operated or owned by a person known as booth renter, also referred to as independent contractors.
Their responsibility is to lease space from a large salon or a suite of small salons to hairstylists, barbers and similar businesses who may not want to shoulder the responsibilities of owning a standard salon facility. The booth rental method simplifies the financial aspect of owning a salon. All you need to do to run this business is to provide the space and charge each stylist a set amount for rent.
Start a Barbing Salon Tool and Equipment Repair Business
Starting a barbing salon tool and equipment repair business is yet another highly profitable barbing salon related business that an aspiring entrepreneur who has the technical skills can successfully start.
The fact that tools and equipment such as hair spraying machine, hair dryers, hair steamer, hair straightener, and clippers et al are usually subjected to wear and tear due to regular usage means that they would need to be repaired when they stop working or sharpen the clipper blades when they are blunt.
If you intend starting this type of business, then you should ensure that your workshop is strategically located and you must be ready to go to work outside your workshop because some barbing salons would want you to fix their tools right in their shops.
In the United States, Canada and of course in most developed countries of the world, you are expected to book ahead of time if you would love to be attended to on time in a barber shop and related service based businesses. In order to be efficient in this regard, barbing salons are beginning to leverage on software apps to achieve this seamlessly.
So also, part of what needs to be put in place if you want to block financial leakages in your barbing salon is to make use of the right software apps. In essence, if you want to start a barbing salon related business without opening a barber’s shop, then you should consider starting a business that is into developing barbing salon related software apps.
If your software app is user – friendly and efficient, you will attract customers (hair salon / barber’s shop owners) not only from the United States, but from other countries of the world.
Go into Designing and Construction of Standard Barbing Salons
Designing and construction of standard barbing salons is yet another barbing salon related business that an aspiring entrepreneur who is already into the construction industry can successfully start. If you are conversant with standard barber shops, hair salon and booth rental salons, you will notice that they are specifically designed and constructed to fit into a specific shape.
You will see mirrors positioned in specific places. So, if you know you have what it takes to design and construct standard barbing salons and you are interested in starting a barbing salon related business, then you should consider starting a barbing salon design and construction company.