Are you about starting a maize farm? If YES, here’s a complete sample maize farming business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE. Corn is very nutritious and it is known to be eaten in various forms by both humans and livestock. As a matter of fact, corn is used as …
A - Z of Starting and Running a Maize Farming Business
Having considered all variables, experts have come to the conclusion that farms averaged $673 total revenue per acre and averaged $664 total cost per acre. The breakeven price for corn at a yield level of 200 bushels per acre is $3.23 per bushel. At 180 bushels per acre, it is $3.58 per bushel. At 160 …
The exact number of bags of corn you can get per acre of farmland will most definitely vary. Ideally, a whole lot of variables can dictate the quality of yield an acre of maize farmland can produce in a year. Under the right circumstances, one acre of maize can yield 20 bags of dry maize. …
Farmers are known to plant around 30,000 to 35,000 corn seeds per acre. Keep in mind that precision agriculture technologies, including GPS-guided planters as well as data analytics, have made it very possible for farmers to optimize seeding rates more accurately. Also note that progress in seed genetics, as well as breeding, have further helped …
According to experts, corn tends to need around 150 – 200 pounds of nitrogen (N), 50 – 80 pounds of phosphorus (P2O5), as well as 50 – 100 pounds of potassium (K2O) per acre. However, the amount of fertilizer needed per acre of corn will depend on a good number of factors. However, it is …