Do you know that there is a lot of money to be made everyday by simply jail breaking iPhones? A process that won’t even take more than ten minutes of your time. Well, this article will teach you everything you need to know, to profit from this niche. Nowadays, anything can be turned into a moneymaking venture. It’s just a matter of identifying people’s needs and helping them fill those needs.
The term “jail breaking” has become very common among users of Apple products, especially iPhones. It simply means the process of removing limitations on Apple’s operating system, the iOS, using specialized software and hardware. Jail breaking permits root access to the iOs file system and manager, which allows the user to download additional custom applications, extensions and themes that are ordinarily not downloadable through the Apple App Store.
It also unlocks carrier-locked iPhones, so that they can be used with other carriers. In short, jail breaking is used to “break” an Apple device free from its “jail.” **Laughs** However, not everyone can jailbreak Apple devices, as the process requires some level of technical knowledge. A failed or careless jail-breaking attempt may damage a device permanently.
With the increasing number of iPhone units sold, there is a booming demand for jail breaking services, which means the few tech-savvy ones who can jail break iPhones and other iOS-powered devices can make a fortune from doing just that. If you are one of those lucky few, or you are willing to become one of them, then here are the steps to take to start your own iPhone jail breaking business.
How to Make Quick Money in a Day by Jail Breaking iPhones
1. Learn how to jailbreak iPhones
Your first step will be to learn how to use the various jail breaking applications available. Examples of commonly used jail breaking applications include JailbreakMe, Seasonpass, Redsnow, Absinthe, PwnageTool, and Evasion.
You can either approach a jail breaking expert to learn how to perfectly use these applications, or take the slower route of learning it yourself online. You can find more than enough tutorials online on how to jail break iPhones. Having a sound knowledge of jail breaking is important before parading yourself as an “expert.” Remember that jail breaking can damage a phone permanently if done improperly. You surely don’t want to damage people’s phones.
2. Test yourself
Though it may be an expensive risk, buy an iPhone that hasn’t been previously “jail broken” and try to jailbreak it. (A used phone from EBay would suffice). If you can jailbreak it successfully, then chances are that you will succeed with other people’s phones.
If something goes wrong during the jail breaking process, and you damage the phone, you won’t run into problems, since the device is yours. It’s far better than starting by risking someone else’s phone. (If you already knew how to jail break iPhones before reading this post, you can skip steps 1 and 2).
3. Start promoting your services
The only way to attract clients is to make potential clients aware of the services you render. In other words, you need to market your jail breaking service to attract potential clients.
One of the best ways to promote your jail breaking services is word-of-mouth. Tell family and friends who use iPhones and would like to jail break their devices. Encourage them to help you tell other iPhone users they meet, too. This method alone could spread word about your business to places you will never imagine.
In addition, you can visit online forums and communities where iPhone users meet, and participate actively in discussions while marketing your jail breaking services in a subtle way. This method of advertising tends to be very effective because it is highly targeted.
Social media is another avenue through which you can market your jail breaking services. You can inform your friends on Facebook and your followers on Twitter. Chances are high that you will find customers among them. You can also advertise your iPhone jail breaking services on free classified ads sites, such as Craigslist.
Another good marketing strategy is to approach iPhone sales outlets around you and beyond. Tell them about your jail breaking services, so that they will recommend you to iPhone buyers who are willing to jail break their devices.
How much can you make from the business in a day?
Well, it depends on how much you charge and how many clients you attract per week or month. Kevin Lee, a senior at the George Mason University once revealed that he earns around $50,000 per year from iPhone jail breaking alone. He unlocks, jail breaks, and even customizes people’s iPhones for various prices.
If you can attract many customers and deliver satisfactory services, you can go on to make a decent monthly income from iPhone jail breaking, since your satisfied customers will refer even more customers to your business.
In conclusion, though this post may not have covered the technical details of iPhone jail breaking, you will most likely have learnt the basic steps involved in making money from it.