Do you need a business loan but you have poor credit? Here are very proven ways you can build your business credit fast with no personal guarantee. Getting a business credit and small business loan is the most common goal of business owners, but there is an increasing demand for learning how to qualify for …
Credit & Debt Management
Going after debt is like playing good cop, bad cop; you never know which stand to take. You desperately need to get your funds from this client but at the same time you really don’t want to destroy the relationship you have. People always have this idea that debt collections have to be nasty and …
No doubt, bankruptcy could be a life saver. It’s a great option to consider if your business keeps wallowing in a mire of debt and there seems to be no other way out. It could be your only resort if you keep accumulating more debt and have no way to pay off old ones. So, …
Is your company on the verge of bankruptcy? If YES, here are 7 smart tips on how to restructure business debts successfully plus the best debt restructuring companies to help you. You may have started your business on a bright note after careful planning and strategy. But despite that, your business can face tough times …
Debt has become so common that many people think it’s inevitable in today’s world. In most countries, debt has become a huge problem facing individuals and businesses. And this problem worsens in periods of economic recession. Taking a debt might be necessary at times. For example, an individual might need to apply for a credit …
Are you losing your mind due to unending calls from debt collection agencies? If YES, here are 7 smart ways to permanently stop business debt collection calls. If you default on your monthly debt repayments, your creditors may hand over your account to a debt collection agency. The agency then attempts to help your creditor …
Do you want to legally deduct bad debts from your tax return? If YES, here are 7 smart tips on how to deduct and report bad business debt on 1040 tax return. There are many reasons why you may want to make a loan to someone. But the truth is that you may not get …
Debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing, even though we tend to see it as such. Having some debt can actually be quite healthy provided you are in control of your finances and are able to pay it back within a reasonable amount of time. In fact, running into debt can sometimes be inevitable—especially when you …
When a business starts to find it hard to make headway because it keeps wallowing in a mire of huge debt that it cannot pay up, one of the easiest options is to file for bankruptcy. This allows it to liquidate, discharge its debts, and probably start afresh. While a bankruptcy filing might relieve the …
Your credit score is a reflection of your financial discipline and your likelihood to repay a debt. That’s why credit card companies and other loan issuers use it to determine whether you will be given credit to not. A high credit score means you will most likely be able to pay back your debt on …
Only few things could be more frustrating that wallowing in a mire of tax debt. If for any reason you find it difficult to pay up your tax debts, the IRS will start seizing your assets. This could be an IRS levy (in which your bank accounts or personal property are seized) or a wage …
Only few things could crumble your business faster than unpaid debts owed by customers. Although being paid upfront for your products or services is the best, this is not always possible. Sometimes, allowing customers to buy and pay later or pay in installments can be inevitable, especially when the competition is granting that privilege as …
How do you get business credit with no collateral or personal guarantee? This is usually the question on the minds of most startup entrepreneurs. Now the problem with being a startup or small business entity is the fact that you have very limited capital. As such you need to find the equilibrium between capital assets, …
Many entrepreneurs who go into business often forget to carry out risk assessment before venturing into the business. The truth is that the reason why many business owners fail in their business is simply because they did not take into account the risk involved in the business and how to manage the risk. When you …
Is your business suffering due to negative cash flow and bad debt? If YES, here is how to sell debt to a collection agency and get your money back guaranteed. If you are being owed by people and you are finding it difficult to collect the money; then you have the option of selling off …
Do you have people or companies owing your business money and have refused to pay? If YES, here are 11 smart tips on how to collect business debts successfully. Debt is one word business owners hate to hear, but sadly, debt is a business reality. Pursuing debtors is something most business owners would want to …
Is your business dwindling as a result of bad debt and you need help? If YES here are 23 smart tips on how to reduce business debt and save your business. Business involves risks and to run a successful business, you must have to take calculated risks. But sadly, no matter how thorough you are …
Do you want to outsource your business debt recovery process? If YES, here is a detailed guide to hiring a perfect debt collection agency and how much it cost. Ever had a business deal with a customer who refused to stick to the plan and pay on time? If it disturbs you on how to …
Do you have clients that have refused to pay for services rendered and you don’t know what to do? If YES, here are 5 ways to collect your money from them. If you are in business, whether a small-scale or well-established business, you would have come across some customers who are good at not paying …
Voluntary debtor and creditor relationship is a relationship that exists between two persons from voluntary interactions in which one, the debtor, can willingly be compelled to provide services, money, or goods to the other, the creditor. This sort of debtor – creditor relationship consists of both rights and duties. “Rights” describe what is owed to …
A personal guarantee is a guarantee by an individual, to cover, backup, or indemnify something done by a corporate entity. For instance, a director guaranteeing to pay back a debt of the company just in case the company is not able to. Since the commercial world is so unpredictable and full of ups and downs, …
When you win your case against a debtor, the judge will issue a judgment against the other party asking them to make payment to you. Now you must collect on that judgment, and it’s not as easy as it sounds. Winning a case doesn’t mean that you automatically get paid. Many debtors don’t pay because …
How much interest can you charge on overdue invoices without breaking the law? Here is everything you need to know plus how to make your clients pay on time. Charging late fees on overdue invoices might seem like a small decision, but it is one that can be agonizing. Understanding what is behind the late …
Effective debt collection strategies are all about the skills and methods that are employed in order to collect your customers’ outstanding invoices more effectively and get your customers to pay up what they owe you and on time too. It however goes beyond this. Effective debt collection also involves recognizing customers who have cash flow …