Do you want to start a butchery in South Africa and need a license? If YES, here is a detailed guide on how to get a butcher license in South Africa. The work of a butcher is a fairly straight forward one. They sell meat to the general public and to businesses such as restaurants …
Start Business
Do you want to start a business in South Africa? If YES, here are lots of detailed information, registration requirements and step by step process for opening a business in South Africa.
The cost of starting a business in South Africa is dependent on several factors including the size, type, industry, and structure of the business you intend starting. But generally, if you intend starting a small business, you are expected to spend anywhere between R125 and R475 (R125 for a private company, R475 for a non-profit …
The time required for the registration of a trade mark in South Africa varies, but can range from 18 months to 3 years depending, among other things, on the number of applications the CIPC receives within a certain period. Even though it takes time to obtain registration, the rights in a mark are backdated to …
Do you want to start a business selling refurbished scrap vehicles in SA? If YES, here are 6 steps on how to register a deregistered vehicle in South Africa. Scrapped vehicles are most times unusable, except for recycling, or in rare occasions refurbished for personal use. What is a Scrapped Vehicle? Scrapped vehicles are known …
If you are thinking of starting a business in Africa, then you should probably think of South Africa. South Africa which is one of the most diverse and sophisticated market offers investors a great deal of stability, a vibrant emerging market, and a climate – political, cultural, social, and environment – that promotes and fosters …
Coming up with a brilliant, cash-spinning idea is not always easy. Unfortunately, there are always people lurking around the corner looking for business ideas to steal and profit from. It is always easy to get your business idea stolen in the process of sourcing for funds, creating product prototypes, or during the process of business …
At first thought, starting a gold mining business can seem like a very daunting process especially if you have no experience whatever regarding the industry. Even if you do have an experience in the industry, the nature of the industry will require you to get some sort of guidance from those that have more experience …