Why is Business Plan Pro the best business plan writing software in the marketplace? Well, this article will spell out the pros and cons of the Business Plan Pro software. A business plan is a very important tool that you need to start and grow your business. To help your business to succeed, it is important to learn as much as you can about your business and a business plan is the best way to achieve this.
What is a Business Plan?
A business plan is a very important tool that can be used as a guide and a control mechanism for your business. If you looking for loan, external funding or investors for your business, you would be asked to present a business plan that would be used to measure the viability of your business. Your business plan is very important and if you are going to be using software to write it, it is best to choose a very good one that has excellent features and offers you the necessary support that you would need to write a winning business plan.
If you are looking for a very good business plan writing software, I could easily recommend one to you and that is Business Plan Pro. Business Plan pro has been in the market for over 10 years now and with millions of satisfied customers and excellent reviews, you can never go wrong with choosing this excellent software.
The software comes in two categories, the standard software which sells for $99.95 and the Premier software which you can get for $159.95. You can easily buy this easy to use and install business plan writing software on EBay, Amazon or on the official website www.businessplanpro.com. But before you go ahead to buy this software, let’s discuss some of the reasons that make it the best choice for you-:
10 Proven Reasons Why Business Plan Pro Software is the Best
1. Ability to customize
Like I said, there are over 1 million users of this software and it is only normal that two people’s business plans would look alike using a generic software but Business Plan pro allows you to customize the software so that you can write a business plan that is personal and suitable for your business and industry.
2. Step by Step guide
This software comes with instructions that are very easy to follow so that you never get stuck along the way. There is a step-by-step guide embedded in the software that teaches you how to use it so you don’t necessarily need to spend money on training after purchasing the software.
It also comes with an automatic spelling check feature. You don’t want to piss investors off by presenting a business plan that is full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors and Business Plan Pro helps you to avoid this by helping you check your grammar and spellings as you work.
3. Ability to Export Data
If you have to make presentations to your investors or bankers, Business Plan Pro makes it possible to export your data to other platforms like Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel or any other platform you wish to use for your presentation.
4. Easy financials
It’s the financial aspect of a business plan that is usually confusing to most people. Most people can write other parts of their business plan easily but when it gets to the financial aspect, it all becomes confusing and technical but with Business Plan Pro, this wouldn’t be a problem because the financial features are very easy to use and understand even for a first timer.
5. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
Yes, you can actually ask for a refund if you buy it and discover that if falls short of your expectation or it doesn’t contain some very important features that you need.
Within 60 days, you can return it and have your money back but I doubt you will ever feel the need to return this software because it has very excellent features and with over 1,000,000 satisfied users, I doubt that there would be a need to return but just in case you really do need to, you are free to do so and get every dime you spent back.
6. Over 500 Samples
<a title="Writing a Business Plan for Investors – Sample Template" Is this your first time of writing a business plan? Are you unsure of what should be in your business plan? Then you don’t need to worry because Business Plan Pro Software comes with over 500 different business plan samples spanning different industries so that you can observe them and learn more about how a professionally written business plan should like.
Business Plan Pro also comes with measurement tools. When investors want to assess the financial viability of your business, there are some performance indicators and ratios they would look out for and business Plan Pro comes with in-built performance measurement tools so that you can measure the viability of your business before you forward it to your investors.
7. Regular Updates
You would also have access to regular, automatic updates with new features so that you are never left with outdated software and so that you can have full access to all of the new trends in business planning industry.
8. Automatic Charts and Graphs
Personally, drawing graphs is not one of my strongest points because I really suck at it. Including charts and graphs in your business plan would make it look more professional and would also show that you know what you are talking about. If you are someone like me who doesn’t know how to draw graphs, then you should really consider buying Business Plan Pro because it comes with an automatic chart and graph drawing function.
9. Free shipping
Another good reason to buy Business Plan Pro software is that you would have access to free shipping so that you wouldn’t have to spend extra on shipping costs.
10. Research Data
Business Plan Pro also provides you with research assistance. You would find thousands of research data. You would also have access to legal guidance and tools to help with the legal aspect of your business. If you are also <a title="How to Finance a Business" looking for capital to finance your business, on the software, you would find a database that would assist you to find venture capital.