Are you an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you inspire to be like great business leaders and public speakers such as Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Mo Ibrahim, J. F. Kennedy, Barrack Obama, Winston Churchill and Zig Ziglar? Do you have a strong desire to develop your public speaking …
Personal Development
For you be successful in life, whether as an entrepreneur, investor or career-oriented person; there are certain traits and skills you need. Most importantly, you must have the right mindset needed to attain success. Now how do you ensure you have the right mindset? That is the sole reason why this section was created; to help you develop the right skills needed to succeed and survive in life and at work.
Do you possess the go getting skills required to succeed in business or life? How do you know if you are a go getter? Do you want to develop your go getting skills and become a go getter? If your answer to the last question is yes, then please read on as I share with …
Some people take a lifetime before realizing what they really want to do, where they want to take their journey or where they want to pitch their stand. I specifically wrote this article because I realized that it will be best if you will know the essentials to finding your passion while you are still …
Do you have a strong desire to develop your business management skills or do you want to improve on your management style? Do you know you can develop or improve your business management skills in 20 days or less? Are you an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you inspire to be like great corporate …
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Instead, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy “Heal the world and make it a better it a better place; for you and for me and the entire human race. If you care enough for the living, make the world a …
Are you having difficulties in managing your time? Do you want to develop a better time management skills? if your answer is yes; then you need to pay good attention to the information on this article below. Before i proceed, i want you to bear this in mind that the key element on to managing …
Do you want to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety at work? If YES, here are 25 effective stress management tips, tricks and activities for employees or entrepreneurs. Stress can be said to be the body’s physical, mental and emotional response to external stimulus such as danger or threat. When a human being is …
Do you experience stage fright when addressing an audience and you want to conquer it? If YES, here are 20 tips to help you overcome the fear of public speaking. There is something about the words “public speaking” that scares the confidence out of certain people. Do you get scared when you have to address …
Do you want to boost your productivity level by managing your time better? If YES, here are 20 time management tips & tricks for employees at the workplace. Here some employee time management skills that can help improve your productivity at work and also develop your time management skills. Choose and use the tips that …
Are you an entrepreneur or employee and you are afraid of failing? If YES, here are 20 tips to help you overcome the fear of failure and rejection in business. It is the purpose of every businessman or woman to keep soaring high despite failure or rejection. But it is a fact that keeping our …
Do you wake up in the morning dejected and not feeling eager to go to work? If YES, here are 20 tips to help motivate yourself to go to work in the morning. Mornings are the most important time of the day especially for people who desire to be productive. When you wake up in …
Are you looking to spice up your leisure time after a long day’s work? If YES, here are 100 things to do outside with a friend when your are bored at night. Being bored can seem very harmless but it can trigger feelings of depression or cause you to have negative thoughts and temptations. When …
Do you work in a competitive organization and you are constantly on edge? If YES, here are 20 tips on how to stay calm and confident at work even under pressure. Working under pressure can lead to stress and reduce productivity. That is why you need to devise a means to deal with the pressure …
Do you want to weld influence and command respect without really demanding for it? If YES, here’s 20 tips on how to be a leader in the workplace, not a boss. Almost every workplace in the world has a leader who is always at the helm of affairs, and makes the toughest and most difficult …
Do you lose concentration at work? Or you forget things easily and you are being queried? If YES, here are 20 ideas and tips on how to focus better at work. It is not always easy to stay focused at work. We all get distracted sometimes and at other times, we just don’t feel motivated …
Do you want to impress your customers, or influence and stand out among co-workers? If YES, here’s how to dress for success as a man in business and at work. First impression matters in everything we do, be it in our daily lives or in the corporate world. Basically in the corporate world, if you …
Do you want to impress your clients, or influence and stand out among team mates? If YES, here’s how to dress for success as a woman in business and at work. Working women face a lot of challenges as they work their way to the top in the workplace and knowing how to dress is …
Do you want to stand out among your team in the workplace? If YES, here are 50 best actionable personal branding ideas & tips for entrepreneurs and employees. One of the main reasons why some employees or entrepreneurs stand out in their workplaces or industries is the way and manner they handle their personal branding. …
Do you lack zeal to work but you want to boost your productivity level in the office? If YES, here are 20 best tips on how to motivate yourself at the workplace. Motivation is a very crucial for every business because of a lot of things. For instance, it puts human resources into action. You …
Are you lagging behind in business due to procrastination? If YES, here are 15 practical ways to overcome procrastination and laziness as an entrepreneur. When you are an employee, there isn’t much room for procrastination because you would usually have superiors breathing down your neck; pressurizing you about deadlines, duties, and all your work obligations, …
Are you lagging behind in the workplace and not getting the job done? If YES, here are 15 best easy-to-do tips to increase your work productivity in the office. There are always two types of people in any organization – people who actually achieve their goals, and those ones who keep wondering if other people …
Do you get distracted or overwhelmed at work and make a mess of things? If YES, here is an actionable guide on how to get organized at work when you are overwhelmed. The question “how do you get organized at work when there is so much to do but so little time to do it?” …
How can you develop positive thinking attitude? What are the best positive thinking exercises? Can negativity be completely eliminated from a person’s mindset? What practical steps can I take to develop a positive thinking mental attitude? Well, I will advice you read on. In this article, I will be highlighting 10 effective practical steps to …
What special traits do the billionaires of this world possess that others don’t? Is there any special skill or uncommon trait I must possess before I can become a billionaire? What trait propelled the school drop out billionaires to success? Were people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg born to be billionaires? Well, …
Do you want to learn how to think like a billionaire? What mindset do the successful entrepreneurs and drop out billionaires possess that others don’t? Do you know that the thinking capacity of millionaires differ from that of billionaires? What is the thinking pattern of billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Steve …
Have you heard of the word “creativity training? Can you identify a unique trait possessed by entrepreneurs such as Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Steven Spielberg, J.K. Rowling and George Lucas? Have you ever admired entrepreneurs such as Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers that showed creativity in business? Think no more as I will be …
Do you think big and set big goals? Or you think small and set goals you are comfortable with pursuing? Well, in this article; I am going to share with you some reasons why you should think big and set big goals. “I intend to be, the richest man in the world.” – Howard …
How do you find your passion? Can I become a billionaire with my passion? How do I build a business around my passion? Why do I need to find my passion? Can I start a business and achieve success with my passion? How can my passion help me become a millionaire? These are usually the …
Are you afraid to speak in the public? Do you want to overcome your fear of public speaking? If your answer to the two questions above is yes, then read on as I share with you my own personal experience on how I overcame my fear of public speaking. Now if you think you are …
Critical thinking is a skill that only few possess. Fortunately, it is not an in-born gift. It is a skill that can be developed over time. Do you want to develop your critical thinking skills? Do you want to develop the skill to think with strategic intent and direction? Then read on as I share …
Do you want to learn how to show confidence at work without displaying arrogance? If YES, then I advice you read this article carefully. Confidence is a powerful quality that can make you successful. If you are confident, you will attract people’s attention and gain their trust and respect. Confidence makes you believe that nothing …
Cold calling involves making an unsolicited phone call or visit to someone in an attempt to get something from them. Because the recipient often does not anticipate this interaction, it is commonly seen as an intrusive strategy. Though cold calling is more popular among sales professionals who are trying to reach potential customers, it’s a …
Good news travels fast but bad news travels faster. If you receive a good service, there are chances that you would tell one or two people about it and refer them to that company that offered you the service but in a situation where you receive bad service instead, you would be so aggrieved about …
Who doesn’t like a self-evaluation opportunity? It’s your chance to show off some of your skills albeit conservatively. It is also a way to show your employer some of your talents that are currently being under-utilized and also enable your employer to understand some of the challenges you may be facing at work. If you …
Do you have a knack for offering advice to others? Do you enjoy telling others how to visualize the path to success, trail that path, and actually achieve success? Have you been told more than countable times that you’d make a very good motivational speaker? And do you think speaking for a living is suitable …
“I will do it later” is a common syndrome that many people suffer from. If you suffer from this problem, the first thing you have to know is that you are not alone. Laziness and procrastination starts as a habit and eventually builds up into a character and addiction at the end of the day. …
Life is unfair they say………………..Some people spend their whole lives working so hard but at the end of the day what do they have to show for it?………………………Nothing! Another group of people do so little and with little efforts…………………Boom! Millionaire! If you find yourself in the category of the first set of people mentioned above; …
Being an entrepreneur is an enviable position but not all the time. The reason is that we go through a lot of challenges and tough situations and our bodies go through them as well. Sometimes you are scared, sometimes anxious and at other times you are just border-line stressed. You realize that all of this …
Whether you are age 25, 30, 40, 50 0r 60; there’s always room to improve and re-invent yourself. Reinventing yourself simply means changing yourself in line with the demands of a new situation you find yourself in, or changing yourself in order to achieve a new goal. Each time a major shift happens in your …
The fear of failure and rejection has kept many people from making any attempt that might either take them closer to their destiny or guarantee them successes. If you must be counted among those who succeeded as an entrepreneur or a family man, then you must dare failure and rejections and go after your dreams …
If you have ever been around successful people, then you would find that they are very smart and intelligent people. It is such a great experience to be emotionally intelligent. People globally are becoming aware of their emotional intelligence- EQ, and how they can use it to their advantage. This read is basically to expose …
You just wouldn’t be wrong if you are of the view that one of the easiest ways to change one’s life is when a person wins a lottery. However, there is a possibility that you can put machinery in place that can help you change your life for good. The truth is that statistics has …
Your self esteem is all about how you see, think and feel about yourself. A whole of people out there are having issues with their self esteem, they never think something good can come out of them, and how would you expect others to believe in you when you don’t even believe in yourself? The …
It is said that an average American spends at least 4 hours everyday on the internet and probably more time during the weekend. But believe me, this is not really an American thing, it is a global phenomenon. Even as a Nigerian, I have been guilty of wasting productive time on the internet doing just …
Ideas are not meant to act by itself, it is people that make ideas work. If you have an idea that you are persuaded would work out, then you must seek the corporation of other like minds to help birth the ideas you have been nursing. If you take your time to study successfully leaders, …
If you are acting a character in a stage play or movie, or you are the main artiste at a concert, then you need to put up your best performance in order to impress your audience and give them value for their money and time. Because you have a lot of eyes and minds fixed …
A strong memory is one of the important things you need to succeed in the business world. There are many instances when you have no other choice than to keep important details in your memory for the long or short term; such as when your tablet’s battery is flat, and you have to get down …
Although the ability to come up with brilliant and creative ideas all the time can seem innate, it is not. Though there might be some elements of nature to this ability; it is for the most part, a product of nurture. This means creative thinking is mostly enhanced by external forces, and is not necessarily …
Whether you are a business owner or any other player in the corporate world, you need to read every now and them. From company report sheets and documents to industry reports and magazines, and from newspapers to business proposals, you need to comprehend and understand whatever you read for you to get the right message …
If you have ever heard the saying that goes ‘ looking good is good business’, then you would notice that indeed it is a good thing to always dress good, as you do not know the lasting impression you may leave in the hearts of people who you may likely meet. It is for that …
Ever wondered why some folks find time to do nearly everything that comes their way, whilst other grapple with keeping to time to do half of what the former people described do. Could it be that those who manage their time well have some extra skills and those who have the challenge do not? The …
Is your office tasks stressful and you are fatigued? If YES, here are 7 workable strategies for effectively managing your time and reducing stress ultimately. Time management is a very important aspect of life but yet a lot of people will prefer to learn how to manage their money as opposed to their time. In …
Do you want to understand yourself better so as to prepare for the world out there? If YES, here are 7 steps to conducting a thorough SWOT analysis on yourself. A SWOT analysis is an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis was initially used in the business industry by businesses that needed …
Do you want to build a successful career while having lots of time for your kids? If YES, here are 32 simple family work life balance tips & tricks for employees. In recent time, family work life balance is always in the front burner when the issue of productivity in the workplace is being discussed. …
Do you want to raise resilient employees that will grow your company? If YES, here are 50 best workplace productivity tips for entrepreneurs & small business owners. When starting a business or a new project, our drive to succeed is always at an all-time high, and we can deny ourselves a lot of things to …
Are you fond of abandoning your written goals to go after the next shining-toy? If YES, here are 7 easy steps on how to train your mind to focus on your goals. If you have plans to succeed in your career or in life generally, then you must be disciplined enough to set goals and …
Do you want to live a fulfilled, successful life and still retire rich? If YES, here are 50 life changing things you must do before you turn 50 years of age. If you are under 50 years, then you have a lot to achieve before you hit the golden age of 50. The truth is …
Do you want to have a charming personality and attract the right people? If YES, here is a 7-step guide on how to develop charisma and personal magnetism. If you aspire to be a great leader, a sales person, a pastor, a politician, a business owner or a public figure cum celebrity, you will somehow …
One of the most difficult tasks in life is to manage your time effectively. Many career moms will agree that time management is almost impossible. No matter your level of skills in arranging your day to day activities, stress is bound to occur after some time. Career moms definitely need everyday tips on managing their …
Almost all students have phobia for public speaking. For most students, their fear of public speaking is greater than their fear of death. This usually affects both their personal and professional life. You may have experienced fear before while standing before a number of people. You suddenly become nervous, your stomach knots and your palms sweat. …
Are you an entrepreneur who is finding it hard to shut your eyes? If yes, then the following tips will enable you cultivate good sleeping habits. A lot of people are of the opinion that they will sleep when they make it. Less sleep means more time to be productive right? Wrong. Usually sleep is …
Work and play are equally important because work pays the bills and play rests the mind. Making time for both work and play means having a good work-life balance and prioritizing both professional growth and personal enjoyment. Note that people who make time for both work and play tend to give equal attention to their …